The Planning Department focuses on development through long-range and current planning needs. It prepares and maintains policy guidelines and reviews and processes various land use applications. Please contact the Planning Assistant with general questions regarding zoning or permits (phone 541-336-2247 ext. 2130 or email planning [at] (planning[at]cityoftoledo[dot]org)).
Services include:
- General Administration
- GIS Map Updates
- Address Assignments
- Long Term Planning
- Land Use Applications
- Plan Amendments and Ordinance Revisions
- Support Staff to the Planning Commission
- Zoning and Land Use Inquiries
The Planning Department also:
- Coordinates with other City Departments and Public Agencies
- Handles Building and Site Development Permits
Building Permits
Permits are required for new construction and alterations/additions to existing buildings. The City contracts with Lincoln County Building Division for the building permit program. Prior to submitting an application to Lincoln County Building Division, the City must provide a land use/zoning approval for all building permit applications. Plumbing, electrical, and mechanical permits are available and submitted directly to Lincoln County.
Some projects may require additional permits, such as demolition, excavation/fill, or special zoning permits. Contact City staff to discuss the project and to determine if special permits are necessary.
City of Toledo Building Permit Process and Application Form
Lincoln County Building Applications
Lincoln County Building Division
Department of State Land Wetlands and Fill permits
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Floodplain Mapping
Lincoln County Planning & Development
Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development
The future of housing in Toledo: Toledo Housing Capacity Analysis
Click on this link to view the Housing Capacity Analysis
Comprehensive Plan Update (2022/2023)
Click on this link to view the Comprehensive Plan Project Updates
Zoning Ordinance and Comprehensive Plan Amendments – Housing Standards
The intent of the code updates are to reduce barriers to housing development in the General Residential Zone, Single-Family Residential Zone, Commercial Zone, and the Main Street District Overlay. For additional information concerning the newly adopted ordinance, please contact the City of Toledo Planning Department at (541) 336-2247 extension 2130 or email inquiries to planning [at] (planning[at]cityoftoledo[dot]org).
Zoning Ordinance and Comprehensive Plan Updates
Main Street District Overlay Map
Accessory Dwelling Units - zoning ordinance amendment
ADU Ordinance Amendment - 2/5/2020
Highlights of the Accessory Dwelling Unit Updates
Flood Hazard Protection Ordinance and FEMA Flood Insurance rate maps
The City of Toledo participates in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). The NFIP provides flood insurance to property owners and is a program managed by FEMA. The City of Toledo is required to adopt the minimum standards for flood damage prevention in order to allow City of Toledo citizens the opportunity to continue to purchase flood insurance. In 2019, the State of Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) State Floodplain Program Coordinator reviewed Toledo Municipal Code Chapter 15.16 (Flood Hazard Protection) and identified that Chapter 15.16 must be updated to match the required language (verbatim) in the Code of Federal Regulations, pertaining to the NFIP. New Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMS), Flood Insurance Study (FIS), Floodplain Development Permit and the new flood hazard protection ordinance adopted in October 2019 are available below.
Flood Insurance Rate Map 41041C0389E
Flood Insurance Rate Map 41041C0393E
Flood Insurance Rate Map 41041C0527E
Flood Insurance Rate Map 41041C0531E
Flood Insurance Study 41041CV001B Vol 1 of 2
Flood Insurance Study 41041CV002B Vol 2 of 2
Flood Hazard Protection Ordinance 1380