Requesting Records and Information

Public Records Requests 

A public record is defined by Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) 192.005(5) as a document, book, paper, photograph, file, sound recording, machine-readable electronic record, or other material such as court files and mortgage and deed records, regardless of physical form or characteristics, made, received, filed, or recorded in pursuance of law or in connection with the transaction of public business. 
In accordance with Oregon state law, the City of Toledo records are available for inspection and/or copying by the public, unless exempted from disclosure by state statute.

Public Records requests may be submitted electronically through the Public Records Request form, by mail to the address below, or in person to the City Recorder at City Hall. 

Inspection of Records: 

A person may make a public records request to review documents by submitting a completed Public Records Request form. Inspection of the records shall occur during normal business hours, and at a time mutually convenient to the requestor and the City. Original public documents shall not be taken out of custody of the City. 

Records Request Policy: 

A records request must be in submitted writing through the Public Records Request form to the City Recorder. The request shall include information such as department file number, year of creation and any other pertinent information that may assist staff in locating the requested records. 

Request Levels

a. Level 1: Does not require a written request or payment of a fee and the documents are readily available and must not require additional staff time or resources to be made available.  
b. Level 2: Requested documents are not immediately available, may not require require extensive staff research to locate, may not include more than five (5) documents, 50 pages or be older than one year. 
c. Level 3: This type of request is complex, involving multiple staff, departments, extensive research and requires attorney review. 

To request records from the Police Department, please use the form below to submit a records request for the Police Department. 

