City Manager

The City of Toledo operates under the Council-Manager form of government. 

The City Manager is appointed by the City Council, acts as the Chief Executive Officer and is charged with overseeing the daily operation of the City. The City Manager advises the City Council on policies and implementing Council goals and directives. The City Manager also serves as the Budget Officer. Among other duties, the City Charter charges the City Manager with: 

  • Attend all meetings of the council unless excused by the council or the mayor.
  • Keep the council advised of the affairs and needs of the City.
  • Make annual reports, or more frequently if requested by the council, about the affairs and departments of the City.
  • Be responsible for the enforcement of all ordinances.
  • See that all franchises, leases, contracts, permits and privileges granted by the City are observed.
  • Appoint, discipline and remove personnel, except appointees of the mayor or council.
  • Supervise and control the city manager's appointees in their service to the City.
  • Organize and, as necessary, disband and reorganize the various city departments.
  • Prepare the annual budget for transmittal to the council.
  • Supervise all purchasing.
  • Supervise the operation of all City-owned public utilities and City-owned property.
  • Perform such other duties as the council directs.
