2022 Elections
The Mayor position and three Council positions are up for re-election this year. If you are interested in serving on the City Council, you can declare your candidacy. Visit the 2022 Elections page for more information.
The City Recorder acts as the Executive Assistant to the City Manager and provides administrative support to the City Council. The City Recorder also serves as the City's Election Officer. Duties of the City Recorder include:
- Works closely with the City Manager to prepare Council agenda information
- Maintains the Toledo Municipal Code and coordinates codification of legislation passed by the City Council
- Processes Council actions and distributes official minutes, ordinances and resolutions
- Assists with the Council Policy review process, reviews and recommends revisions
- Assists the public and departments in interpreting and applying City legislation
Records Manager
- Serves as custodian of official City records (Charter, minutes, ordinances, resolutions, Council policies)
- Establishes and implements the citywide records management and retention program
- Develops and maintains policies and procedures related to the City's records and retention schedule
- Plans and directs the maintenance and safekeeping of all official records
- Provides public information and public records to citizens, organizations, news media, and other public agencies in compliance with the Oregon Public Records law
- Oversees records retention and disposition schedules from all departments
Elections Officer
- Leads, plans, coordinates, and directs municipal election activities and meets legal deadlines
- Provides technical advice to Political Action Committees, City candidates, and other interested citizens for compliance with City, County and State requirements
- Responds to public inquiries regarding initiative and referendum process and elections policies and procedures
- Certifies Mayoral and Council candidates, City measures and initiatives, and publishes required official and legal notifications